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Chapter 1 — Sammy and the Cheese She had the kind of legs that kept her butt from resting on her shoes — a size eight dame in a size six dress and every mug in the joint was rooting for the two sizes to make a break for it as they watched her wiggle in the door and take a seat at the end of the bar. I raised an eyebrow at the South African merchant marine who’d been spinning out tales of his weird cargo at the other end of the bar while… Read Article →

Originally, the next three selections of Chris’s Picks were going to all be part of the South Florida Crime novel genre, except for one thing, the second book I picked out of the genre sucked like a black hole, and I’m not going to review stuff that I can’t say good things about. So, I was left with this brilliant observation that there are a bunch of guys writing funny books about crime in South Florida. And there are. Except I’m only going to cover one of them here. There is, however, some sort of… Read Article →

Please sir, may I please take the wand out me bum, sir? Ah, yes, who can forget those touching moments under the staircase with Harry and his evil uncle? But that’s not what we’re here to deal with today. Don’t get me wrong, Harry Potter is my friend. Anyone who gets ten-million kids reading books is my friend. I mean, when the little punters grow up, what kind of material will they be looking for, do you think? That’s right, more light-hearted supernatural stories but with scads of profanity, sex, violence, and dark humor. And I’ll… Read Article →

This interview was done for the UCLA newspaper. 1. What kinds of literature did you enjoy reading as a child? My favorites were the Jules Verne books when I was ten to twelve; the Ian Fleming’s James Bond books in junior high. The Verne books were so big and thick, I remember having to renew them at the school library about a dozen times each to get through them, but it was exquisite torture. 2. You’ve mentioned that John Steinbeck influences your writing style but do/did you have any mentors other than him? Influences? Well,… Read Article →

Okay, raise your hand if you enjoy zany, satirical, laugh-your-ass-off-funny stories with a supernatural twist. Yeah, me too. And if that sort of writing grabs you, it’s likely you’ve heard of Christopher Moore, whose first novel, PRACTICAL DEMONKEEPING, went on to launch a career that earned him a loyal and rabid (no pun intended) readership. You really can’t miss Moore’s novels, nor can you forget them once you’ve read his work. His latest release, THE LUST LIZARD OF MELANCHOLY COVE, is about a lonely sea monster named Steve who rises from his slumber in the… Read Article →

Rather than fake an interview, here are a bunch of questions that I get asked a lot by readers in e-mail messages. 1) What order should I read your books in? Some of the books can be read out of order. Lamb, Coyote Blue, Fool, and Fluke can pretty-much be read on their own, although there are some characters that appear in other books. That said, here’s the order I wrote them in: Practical Demonkeeping * Coyote Blue Bloodsucking Fiends † The Island of the Sequined Love Nun The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove *… Read Article →

Christopher Moore is the author of eighteen novels, including the international bestsellers, Lamb, A Dirty Job and You Suck. His lastest novel, Razzmatazz, was published May of 2022. He’s currently working on a historical set in early 1900s Vienna. Chris was born in Toledo, Ohio and grew up in Mansfield, Ohio. His father was a highway patrolman and his mother sold major appliances at a department store. He attended Ohio State University and Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara. He moved to California when he was 19 years old and lived on the Central… Read Article →

Chapter OneChristmas Creeps Christmas crept into Pine Cove like a creeping Christmas thing: dragging garland, ribbon, and sleigh bells, oozing eggnog, reeking of pine, and threatening festive doom like a cold sore under the mistletoe. Pine Cove, her pseudo-Tudor architecture all tarted up in holiday quaintage — twinkle lights in all the trees along Cypress Street, fake snow blown into the corner of every shop’s windows, miniature Santas and giant candles hovering illuminated beneath every streetlight — opened to the droves of tourists from Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the Central Valley searching for a… Read Article →

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